About Us

The Imperial Valley Community Foundation is proud to be Imperial Valley's leading philanthropic organization and facilitator of charitable giving and community needs. We encourage, support and facilitate meaningful dialogue on issues affecting each of our communities, and work with philanthropists to develop creative solutions to meet critical community needs. 

Since our inception, the Imperial Valley Community Foundation has helped public-spirited citizens find ways to address community problems. We now manage approximately forty funds. Through them, our donors support numerous organizations and serve a variety of extraordinary causes. Our donors and funds all share a common purpose: to make Imperial Valley a better place to live, work and play.


In 1987, a group of concerned Imperial Valley residents first formed the Imperial Valley Community Foundation, creating a permanent endowment for the people of the region. Initial gifts were made by Dr. and Mrs. Fred Heald and Mrs. Jean King.
Governed by Board of Directors of Valley residents, IVCF raised assets to meet local charitable needs. IVCF enjoys the charitable support of The San Diego Foundation.

Why a community foundation for the Imperial Valley?

  • Because we understand local needs and invest in our community’s future.
  • Because we provide flexibility and a range of products for donors. We are a vehicle to serve donors through planned giving, and can accept complex gifts for maximum tax advantage.
  • Because we are building assets that will continue to grow through the IVCF’s stewardship and long-term investment of dollars to benefit the Imperial Valley for the long-term.
  • Because the community foundation can keep philanthropic dollars in the local community to meet local needs.
  • Because we promote and enrich philanthropy and charitable giving in the Imperial Valley.
  • Because we are committed to always and forever honor donors’ intent.
  • Because we promise strength, stability, ethics and integrity, in part with the backing of two highly respected and influential partners in The San Diego Foundation and The James Irvine Foundation.
  • Because we can pool and leverage resources for the common good, and reach a range and diversity of organizations that meet local needs, including small organizations and others not normally connected to philanthropy.

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